Saturday, August 11, 2007

Official Countdown

Well here we go. As of this past Thursday, there are only two weeks left before my birthday. If you are good friends w. me, you know this is big. I LOVE my birthday. It's just the best day ever. I think I've always been like this, and everyone indulges me. This is an especially big day, as I will be entering the last year of my twenties.

Yes, I know what you all must be thinking. 29? You look SO much younger. I know, I know. My kids will probably be so embarrassed when we're older and strangers mistake me for their older sister.

I hope (wink, wink) that someone is going to get me a digital camera. Then I can start posting w. lots of pictures. And, The Nanny Diaries comes out the day after my birthday, so some friends and I are going. I've been waiting for this movie since April, when the release date was pushed back. It better be good.

Katie, what does EW say?


Katie B said...

Too soon to tell. I'll keep you posted

Natalie said...

Did you read the book Nanny Diaries? I am also looking forward to the movie... although I'm usually let down when I see movies that are made from books. I always like the book better.

Katie B said...

Does this post serve as my invitation?

Stephanie said...

No, Bowlby. I sent you an email just now. Please. I do have some couth!

And, Natalie, yes, I read the book! I loved it. I listened to it on CD twice. I'm kind of scared of how it might turn out too. I have high hopes. Probably too high.