Monday, August 13, 2007

Kind of Funny

Last week, Sean dropped his cell phone in the toilet. Not exactly sure how this happened, but it's funny to me. Of course, that's because it happened to someone else. It's turned in to quite a little debacle, because neither of us knew about backing up address books. He lost everyone's numbers, and he doesn't have many of them memorized. For two days he left a message on his voicemail explaining the situation and asking callers to leave their numbers. The biggest problem was Saturday, when he was trying to figure out his mom's cell number so he could call her on her birthday. Me? I backed up my address book last night.


Leah said...

Also get a back-up hard drive for your computer. We lost everything...including all the iTunes music. Not pretty.

Stephanie said...

Oh no! When?

Katie B said...

I'd like to hear more about Sean dropping the phone in the toilet. How does that happen?

Stephanie said... to answer?

Leah said...

That was last year. And the ironic thing is that we had ordered a back-up hard drive the week before and it was on its way! Heinz is pretty much convinced that we should switch to Macs.

Heinz's phone broke this past spring, and then I got him a new one. And then he dropped it on some marble stairs and broke the screen. At least he was able to replace it with the screen from his old phone. What is it with guys and their toys? Julia and I have joked that we're going to get tracking devices to put on their phones, car keys, etc.

So was Sean on the phone...?

Stephanie said...

hee hee. He must've been playing a game...

Dawn said...

You gals and your blogs. Hope you don't mind, but I went from Leah's to yours to Katie's. That's one cute baby! Now it's off to Brooke's blog.