Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm SO Fired

Okay, to appease my friends (Katie!) who are giving me such a hard time, I'm posting at work. I'll probably lose my job, but at least my blog readers will be happy. Priority number one, no?

Before we went to the game in Athens on Saturday, we stopped at a clothing store in Atlanta. It was the first anniversary of the shop's opening, so the owner had cupcakes, Champagne, and 15% off all day. There are only two dressing rooms and there was a long wait, so my sister and I went in together. I had just gotten a little plastic cup of Champagne, and as I walked into the dressing room, I dumped some of it down my shirt. Nice. I smelled like I'd already been tailgating for hours.

Anyway, finished trying on the clothes, decided what I wanted to purchase, and as I was walking out of the dressing room, I turned the cup upside down and spilled the rest of the Champagne. OMG. I looked like a total drunk! But I never actually drank anything.

Likely story, those shoppers probably thought.

That's all for now. Sniff. I think I'm getting a cold.


Leah said...

Your blog readers appreciate your sacrifice.

Katie B said...

Thank you. See? That was amusing! I know funny things are happening to you all the time. I just want to hear your observations.

Robin said...

Welcome back, Stephanie.

Your blogfans missed you.

Is that the right word?

Natalie said...

Sometimes it's scary how much like my mother I am, I was going to write the same thing before I read her comment...

Stephanie said...

ha ha. I love blogfans.