Thursday, November 15, 2007

Inner Peace

Um, what the heck are "New Age Beverages?" They sound illegal and highly habit forming. This is the aisle sign I saw at Bruno's today.


Leah said...

Wow, a real grocery store! You sure you didn't take this picture in San Francisco? So did you find out what these "New Age" beverages are? Perhaps they also sell incense sticks. And patchouli.

I love that you're doing more photos/graphics.

Katie B said...

People at Bruno's must've thought you were nutso.

Robin said...

Can you go back to Bruno's and go down that aisle and find a new age beverage?
I can't figure out what that could be. And now I feel like I need to know.

Stephanie said...

Bowlby, you know me better than that. I'm an excellent detective. Very stealth. No one saw me.

I'm going to have to do a reconnaissance this weekend to get some more info. Stay tuned.