Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Irrational Fear?

I have this panicky feeling every time I go to flush the toilet at work. I'm really paranoid about plunging my foot right into the toilet bowl. Like, when I go to push down the flusher-thingy with my foot (because Lord knows I don't do it with my hand), I lean against the stall wall to brace myself so I don't lose balance and drop my toes right into the water. Ew.

And yes. This fear only manifested itself after I almost did this. Twice.


Natalie said...

You need to convince your work to install automatic flushers... although, there could be some irrational fears out there over those as well...

Summah said...

I use to have a fear about snakes in the toilet. And this fear manifested itself after I heard a few scary stories about people it "actually" happened to.

And one irrational fear about automatic flushers: What's bad is when it doesn't flush when you leave. I know this isn't terribly common (when I was in college they flush about three or four times), but it happened to me. And if there's a line of people, or someone walks in after you, you don't want them to think that you're so gross that you can't flush after you leave.

Huff. That ended up maybe being a little TMI.

Katie B said...

I'm more concerned about dropping my sandal in the toilet.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, Summer, my fear of the automatic flushers is not that they WON'T flush, but that they will. While I'm still sitting there. Is there anything worse than toilet water splashing up onto your bum?