Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Cleaning Lady is Packin' Heat

We have a fairly new lady on the cleaning staff at work. She empties the trash cans every night, and she starts pretty early (a little before 5) so I am usually at work when she comes by. She's very nice and friendly.

Tonight when she came down the hallway, however, she was loudly chatting on her Bluetooth about some strange men that she had seen around her home. And then I hear her say this.

"I got protection, and it ain't where I can't get to it. I got a license to carry it. Don't be messin' with me. I've been having one since I worked at the service station."

Ummmm...the cleaning lady has a gun.

I think she thought the place was empty, but a couple of my coworkers heard her too. We're gonna develop a little neighborhood watch. I mean, this lady seems really nice, but if she's packin' heat, I don't want to tick her off. She sounded serious on the phone. I think she was embarrassed that we heard her, but I got the message.

Besides, I'd have no way to defend myself. I've only shot a gun once, an itty-bitty Colt .45, and I didn't like it. Guns scare me. And now the cleaning lady scares me too.

Disclaimer: This story is actually more amusing than scary. I do not think guns are funny. But the thought of this little old lady (who, as our intern said, looks a lot like Harriet from "Family Matters") trying to shoot some sketchy men loitering outside her house is quite a mental image.


Katie B said...

I can't wait to meet her! She seems like the type of person I'd like to have on my side.

Stephanie said...

You definitely don't want to be against her!

Unknown said...

Do you think she wears it to work? Because she could be a good resource for you at some point. Maybe you could convince her to protect, say, the food table.