Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Burnin' Rubber

I got a tad scared last night. Well, more than a tad. Kind of like, omgImightwetmypants scared. So I was driving to meet Sean at Cantina last night, and I made a turn and was approaching a red light. There was a lot of activity on the street, people running out to their cars and such, which is unusual. Anyway, there was a line of cars waiting to turn left, so I went around them and pulled up to the light to go straight.

All the sudden the dude in the truck next to me started revving his engine, and smoke was everywhere. I didn't want to look at him, so I just prayed the light would turn green quickly. Next thing I know, he peels out and runs the light. Suddenly about four cars were revving and then they all ran the red light. Tires were squealing and everyone was fishtailing after the turn. I have no idea what was going on. But I didn't like it.


Katie B said...

Ohhhhhhh, maybe they were street racers like in The Fast and the Furious!

Natalie said...

That's weird. You have a lot of driving issues, don't you?

Anonymous said...

OMG - an error in your blog!!! ot their ... you are slipping.

Robin said...

were the people running to the cars the same people who ran the red light?

Very suspicious behavior.

Stephanie said...

It was total sketchville!

Dang. My own mother called me out on my blog. If I weren't a big person, I'd delete her comment. But I can admit my mistakes. Plus, I totally fixed it!